From outside of time, comes career's latest? or is it earliest? from an dusty old minidisk i found in my sock drawer. one thing is for certain, definitely post-911.
Killarney awaits. Have you guys heard the new Jim O'Rourke? Click here and you can hear a little snippy snippet. Also, notice the new Drag City site. Goodbye for a week.
i'm sure ya'll have heard that the ol circulatory system 2nd album is finally seeing the light of day.
fyi - there's a limited run deluxxx lp that just started pre-order - has a whole other lp of demos and stuff. get on it quick if you're interested - only 300 copies. best of all - handmade jackets by will cullen hart - $35 . go to to check it, as i recently did.
out august 18 from rhythm nation and reelcod records:
after months of band turmoil and personal angst-strife in the inner cercle rouge of career, the career bathsheba sobotka dvd/cd release is finally seeing the light of day. it is rhythm nation #48 and is a cache of goodness for the career superfan. i know you're out there. it features all of the following and more:
- the full length "career bathsheba sobotka" movie
-5 career video hits
-volume 3 in the career bootleg series - "at studio one"
-complete rhythm nation discobibliography
-career band portrait circa late 2007
-a collection of random/patterned images
-audio companion cd of the same name
-much much more....!!!
limited editions of the this will be accompanied with an extra cd of audio commentary, to played along while watching the movie. it's like watching the movie with career themselves!!! the limited edition also has a 8x10 not-glossy print of the original promotional poster for "career bathsheba sobotka" - pictured above. perfect for your gym locker, office drawer or generic wall.
pre-order now to secure your copy or copies today! this WILL sell out!!!!!!!!!
"There’s an air of authenticity to the proceedings here, and stylistic pretension never obscures good storytelling." -charles de gaulle
"It's not colourful, it's not fun, it's just a gaudy mess of bad aesthetic choices and cruddy CGI."
-shia laboeuf
"Intense, graphically novelistic (though it’s an original story) and just funny enough to keep you thoroughly entertained, even while the subtext is of a very serious nature."