04 December 2007

White Magic

For those who couldn't make it the White Magic show tonight: A good time was had by all. Lots of us there got a chance to chat with band a bit, and even share a smoke before the show. Good people and good music all around. Left with a sweet & bacon taste in my mouth.

As a side note for all you natives of the P-I-C-K-E-R-I-N-G, these dudes stayed in your very own Best Western last night - small world. And MAY actually be staying with one Nicholas Kerr tonight should they need to. Exciting times. And their records are good too.

The My Spism


Anonymous said...

Neat blog, man. You really have your finger on all the pulses. Your talents are obviously being wasted, writing for a self-published blog in the dark, lonely bowels of the internet. I hear it is lonely at the top.

I was thinking, maybe when you are finished High School you could get a job writing for one of those free newspapers they give away in the big cities. You could commute? Or just send your stuff in via email?

And who knows, if you work hard enough and long enough you might be able to start doing real reviews and get free cds! And you can keep them, too, you know.

Oh, sorry if I come off sounding like a self-righteous know-it-all dick. I really am a nice guy.

mooshoo variations said...


mooshoo variations said...

ya, you do kinda come off like that...is this a joke?

Alexander said...

who is this spam fellow? weird. yeah she does sound aberrantly sardonic. i wonder where she came from? and why this message sounds like it was written in the wrong place or something. I don't get it. Spam, would you explain this? Or are you literally just 'spam', as your pseudonym suggests?

disgraced track star said...

Zing! Let yourself be heard!

disgraced track star said...

If you can't take the heat get out of the lame fake music kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Poor babies. No need to get your panties in a knot.

wtf? You can't take a bit of constructive criticism? Isn't that was the whole idea about your quilt-knitting blog.

Hope I didn't rain on your cute parade, man.

Hey! Maybe I ain't raining men, after all. It's raining babies!

disgraced track star said...

No, you aren't raining men.

Go blog on your own blog, blogface.

Tornadosaurus Rex & the Tobogganable Snowman said...

Constructive criticism..?
I took it all as complimentary..

must be my knotting panties, drying up my baby rain, while this quilt o' mine..... it isnt even half-finished!