28 January 2008

I'm Mature

Oh boy, this blog is deader than Heath Ledger (*Pop culture reference,* beat that guys). I figure there haven't been any posts because you're either busy or bored. I'm going to assume bored, since that's the only way I imagine you'll download this. Most of what I did over the course of 2007 is at:



Alexander said...

I think the main reason more people haven't been posting to the blog is that they are not me. Plus, I've writ a new song and I'd like to share it with you too my friend(s) (I've not listened to yours yet).

Amateur said...

Well then let's have it!

Alexander said...

but that's the thing i've forgot to mention: I've no means for you to intercept said song, for I've never used that sharing stuff.

Alexander said...

This blog is now even deader than anyone's music in comparison to Adrian Orange's (subculture reference!).