29 March 2008

It just occurred to me that Kareera is basically a jazz band; I.e., it's all improvised music for the sake of having fun with comrades. Right? All musically-oriented, with no lyrics, and experimental and whimsical.


Amateur said...

I never really thought about what kind of band it is.

Alexander said...

me either.

tutankhamun said...

you're just trying to antagonize me aintcha

Alexander said...

what do you mean? too vague.

tutankhamun said...

even to think about genre & career in the same context is the most pretentious of pretentiousnss i can think of. this entry should be deleted.

tutankhamun said...

career is not a "band" career is not a "music"

tutankhamun said...

career is exorcized demons career is detoured suicide career is art therapy career is a reminder of pureness career is proof of the psychic career is antiband, antishows, antirecord, antiprofit career is the reverse of whatever music is & sometimes literally career is communion career is not about reciprocity career is not about being understood career is individuals playing simultaneously & relishing in the occasional sound-kismet like the same way patterns reappear in nature like a sonic fractal like an auditory tessellation

tutankhamun said...

& etc & etc...

tutankhamun said...

whatever tho, career is what you want it to be. i still love you for it. i envision career as a anarchist hippie commune, living in the bombed out remains of the CN tower 100 years from now harvesting crops & singing songs that dont make any sense. britney spears & pepsi jingles are the new folk songs & we fashion spatulas out of dead slimline cellphones & ipods from decades past. we wear no clothes & the sky is purple & all our children believe ronald mcdonald died for our sins.

tutankhamun said...


Alexander said...

shit my brother! i feel like David but I forgot my sling. i love you too. ha, what? was the pretentious thing an ironic joke? personally i believe Thanksgiving and Mount Eerie are the new folk. and life died for our sins. and britney spears and cell phones will be seen as cruel jokes of the gods.

i too appreciate the desire for unclassification, but likening karrea to jazz is just that; noting the similarities between it and the basis of jazz. obviously kareer isn't actually jazz so keep your panties on, my captain. although i know what you're saying, all the same.

before i retreat to continue my hideous studies, what is career pro-? i.e., as it is anti- many things.

Alexander said...

by the way, are coming to Dirty Projectors tomorrow? It's with No Kids and Nifty! (the latter of which is incredible - if you haven't seen him, i think you'd like him a lot - and the former is bound to be good too)

tutankhamun said...

i know i want to go but its the same night as wolf eyes & im worried there will be too many people at the DP show & i hate packed shows at sneeks

Alexander said...

yeah me too, i must say. that's how it was the last two shows i went to there (xiu xiu and old time relijun) and it was the most fucking irritating shit in the world. but i think i'm still gonna go.

disgraced track star said...

"career is not about being understood career is individuals playing simultaneously & relishing in the occasional sound-kismet like the same way patterns reappear in nature"

for what its worth that is the passage i would agree with most here.

career is fun.

Alexander said...

yes, fun! i concur. like jazz and punk