20 April 2008

wet nurse records

record store day? who are we appealing to here? people who don't get it already are supposed to start respecting record stores again 'cause of some promotional day? man, how embarrassing. though, any celebratory day is sort of hackneyed. we did not have any kinda promotion or anything at SB, but still managed to profit our 3rd highest since opening 7 years ago. i guess, one could hold 'record store day' accountable, or the first really nice saturday of the year, i dunno. though, it's as if folks went out and bought music as a novelty, you know, celebrating record store day... i'd like to think it was the weather and genuine interest in gettin some new music. but what the fuck, it was a great scam! people love shit like that, right?

hey, anybody feel like making some records?
today 'trans-elders' (for now) are working on some 'unplugged' renditions of songs for future outdoors show, we'll be on Rob's balcony if interested, after 6:30. Alex, outdoors music, soon?


Alexander said...

ha, i never heard about record store day but it sounds funny and patronising. in fact, it is literally patronising! get it? the patron is you? (like me now!)

so yes i agree it's lame i think. you should post this kind of thing more often, i love to hear thoughts and hope others too.

i would love to play music always. i have one essay and then two exams at the end of the month and then i'm free! and i will be a musical vagabond at that point, give or take the vagabond, perhaps.

mooshoo variations said...

good times will be had