24 February 2009

coming out of hibernation.
I booked 7 days off work, starting tomorrow.
I'm looking to make a bunch of tapes and intoxicate myself in a blistful style.
Anyone feel like droning out with slippery brains in fine reel cod fashion, let us be in touch.

Also, while I am here writing, for those not yet with ticket- Windy & Carl @ the whipper snapper, Apr. 23rd. yes please.
opening- Windy & Benoit Pioulard
middle- Benoit Pioulard
then- Windy & Carl
Holy shit, leave gravity at the door


tutankhamun said...

dammit damn near sold out http://nofunfest.com/2009.html

mooshoo variations said...

O.k., let's just get the festival tickets and work out the details later, we'll talk about this later today

mooshoo variations said...

yeah man, I just checked the website... the 3 day pass is sold out. Saturday (w/sonic youth, bardo pond, etc.) is sold out. We could only get tickets for Friday or Sunday. Plus I think i'm going to be vacationing in the turks & caicos islands that week anyway.