27 July 2009

image for the day, july 27 2009

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." - Harriet Tubman

26 July 2009

career - twins

rhythm nation and reelcod recs present rhythm nation #47 career's 'twins". this features career in quartet formation, playing 9 interpersonal displays of affection, featuring one sy-inspired vestibule, as well as several beautiful kazoo/alto sax duets. hope you folks can dig it!

praise for 'twins":
"Excepting a gaping logic loophole at its center, this is surprisingly well-directed and entertaining from start to finish."
-Jammy Jeffries, NBCTV

"Occasionally fetching but largely overdeliberate and way too plodding for a quality psychological thriller."
-Burton Cummings

"Direly dreadful from start to finish, its self-conscious eccentricity is both smug and invidious."
-Ted Williams and James Brown in unison

" It's ultimately a failure due to such a poppycock follow-through that seriously undermines such a understatedly-frightening first-half."
-Cammy Granato, USA Hockey
All the best,

22 July 2009

career - pulled until kerack

this is career's newest album - rhythm nation #46, 'pulled until kerack". i hope ya'll give it a listen and like it. click on the picture to getz it. this features a stunner of a vocal performance from mclintock on the track 'you turn my head around also", amongst other highlights.

it is dedicated to you... the listener.

in addition, career would like to announce that in honour of the upcoming half-centennial rhythm nation #50, we will be releasing a retrospecticus maximus collection of unreleased career recordings from throughout the whole thing entitled 'the 3r's: rarities, ripened, and realistic". mark it on your calendar.

image for the day, july 21 2009

20 July 2009

image for the day, july 20 2009

"Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times." - Machiavelli

16 July 2009

career - tidal boweavil spectre

ladies and gentlemen,

career, rhythm nation, and reelcod records present rhythm nation #45 - career's 'tidal boweavil spectre". please enjoy responsibly. click on the cover to get 'dis ting.

update: the much bally-hooed career bathsheba sobotka cd/dvd is pretty finished and ready to be distributed to ya'll by hand only quite soon. also, career is having a practice this sunday (?) i don't know where - any ideas? outside. all should feel obligated, unless otherwise obligated.

best wishes,

09 July 2009

image for the day, july 9 2009

"Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt of, not swallowed." - Josh Billings

image for the day, july 8 2009

'Opera is when a guy gets stabbed in the back and, instead of bleeding, he sings.' - Ed Gardner

i don't know where the above image is from. i have a vast collection accumulated over 8 years. if you recognize this picture i'd very much like to know the artist.

02 July 2009

'death camp kazoo orchestra" on MTV

this is the first half of the 'death camp kazoo orchestra" album set to a movie made in high school. i hope you'll enjoy it. laughter and comments welcome. these are what songs are in there:

a. corpse; hermetically sealed

b. melted wax masks

c. lungs like wet

d. affirmation to infinity

e. wish rescinded

01 July 2009

'08" from 'go fuck yourself"

here is another one. this one is just my beautiful cat roky catching some zzz'z while listening to the 8th song from the career 24-track recordings cd 'go fuck yourself". i hope you like it.

also, for those of you with phonos cellularis - there is career ringtone here... seriously. hopefully it works.

hey, did you guys hear michael jackson died? happy canada day!