it is dedicated to you... the listener.
in addition, career would like to announce that in honour of the upcoming half-centennial rhythm nation #50, we will be releasing a retrospecticus maximus collection of unreleased career recordings from throughout the whole thing entitled 'the 3r's: rarities, ripened, and realistic". mark it on your calendar.
rokys lookin good in pink. pink is the new "angst casual" look this year. for cats.
by the way anyone reading this, alvin ohnson is playing a show this saturday if you know who i mean, and i mean whoa. checkkit: your momma.
one of the more "listenable" career records if i may say. surprising, especially because it contains solely my least favourite members. namely myself.
Chris, would you be so kind as to make a couple copies of the last two career posts?
I no longer have i-tunes or anything like that on this computer, I tried downloading the last one, but I didn't know where to save the file. urgh.
see you guys on Saturday and Sunday
i can definately make copies of the last two for you. hopefully there will be one or two more by the weekend too. potentially heavier ones.
i agree this one is quite enjoyably listenable. but all career playas is my favourites.
note: that is not roky, but it looks like him.
did ya'll hear yo la tengo is playin' the opera house? yo la tengo ya! opera house noooooo!!!
os mutantes day before! ps whats happening this weekend? have i already forgotten? need new brain?
saturday - you said there was a calvin johnson show.
sunday - career jam.
oh yeah: Saturday July 25 @ Heartbeat (960 Queen St. West)
Calvin Johnson (K Records)
Andre Charles Theriault (We Are Busy Bodies)
8PM SHARP. $5-10 sliding scale. ALL AGES.
** show up on time, this show WILL end EARLY.
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