13 November 2007

Anyone for some fall sports/activities?*

everybody else's doin' it- Cain Enablers
saint fever- Evolteen Complaints Dept.
who's for sail- Traffic Jerk
we are cum complex- Cum Complex
drive for nancy- The Aging Stills
i gotta new butler now- Cannibal Porn for Teen
why ask now?- Fats Lander
seasonesque- Turkish Rule
what prog?- Art Leme & the Do-Rights

*thursday, friday? in a field or forest

saddlers' reunion- The Whendy Saw Holiday
orst fly- Mescal Buttons


Alexander said...


(what activities)

mooshoo variations said...

like outdoor games or music or something...i wish to be outdoors in high park or somewhere...you dig?

Alexander said...

Shyt brotha you and I both! Let's do it. This Friday? Jah brejen. Plus, pardon my absence at sonic boom last night. But I tried tonight just in case and you wernt there. Then I started crying on that weird old torture chair in the corner, and one of your co workers had to escort me to a place where my melancholy was more pertinent to my milieu.

mooshoo variations said...

i'm pretty busy during the day, but tonight, let's do something, i've already got sudo plans with rob