13 November 2007

Who is buffalo Springsteen? I suppose she/he is an acquaintance of julia with whom I am not yet acquainted. All the same, I trust Springsteen will be a valuable addition to our editorial staff, and I wish her the best. Also, I am bored. Working on a song. Everyone, would you please start posting shit here? Don't worry if you've nothing to say, for neither do I, and you don't see ME not posting pointlessness. And yes, I'm trying to be rude to those who don't post.


mooshoo variations said...

it's matt, i believe we have experienced social interactions in the past, the very recent past in fact... anyway, thought i'd check this out, captivating stuff. is it a coincidence that blog spelled backwards is gold?...oh wait, it's not, it's golb, same thing

mooshoo variations said...

i'm working from 4pm-12am tomorrow, nov 13, come by the store, i'll have the reggae mix

Alexander said...

jah mon! I was just researching said musics earlier today, not to mention planning a visit to Sonic Bomb.