29 November 2007

Julie Fe-Fe-Felix

This is a post about a lady named Julie Felix. She's a hip lady. I never really heard of her until recently, but she's apparently pretty major in Europa. Even had her own show on BBC. Anyway, I don't want to say too much - just download & enjoy. This album is called "The World Goes Round & Round" was made for Fontana in 1968 & is tres good, in my humble opinion. Highlights include a version of "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" and "Fare Thee Well", among others. Also, enjoy these photos of Mademoiselle Felix.

Julie with Danny Thompson and Stefan Grossman (l-r). Both dudes are heavy shit (see Pentangle).

Julie Felix with her biggest fan.

Julie with Mr. Lawrence Ferlinghetti, at the premiere of "Collateral Damage"...

Adrian Orange Skating


listen to this one

In the style of Murphy and I-don't-know-who, here is a song link (guess who it's by) and picture, in the opposite order.


this is a new song from this little limited EP thing he made. i like it and you should listen.

MP3 Of The Day

Group Inerane - "Awal September"
(right click link above) (stolen from "said the gramophone")

From the sublime frequencies disk "Guitars From Agadez (Music of Niger)". totally sold out & only on vinyl. This tune makes me feel too good to feel guilty about downloading it. i listen to this on my mp3 player & imagine myself warm & toasty in a libyan refugee camp. rather than freezing my nips off in scarborough. but don't take my word for it.

Dudley Whitemud Plays Selections from Aqua's "Aquarium"

Indie-hipster ironic kitsch at its finest. Don't know anything about this disk other than it came from winnipeg. The cdr is encased in a canvas sleeve hand-cut & glued by whitemud himself. It is one of the treasures of my collection. AQUA is the underrated ABBA of our generation. whitemud sings them like the campfire folk songs they'll become 1000 years from now after the apocalypse. & the second coming of christopher reeve. Google turns up one hit for "dudley whitemud" here.
Ominous indeed.

Dudley Whitemud - Selections from Aqua's "Aquarium"

1. Happy Boys & Girls
2. My Oh My
3. Barbie Girl
4. Good Morning Sunshine
5. Dr. Jones
6. Lollipop (Candy Man)
7. Calling You


(comments encouraged)

28 November 2007

Une autre femme qui est tres belle.

Ceci c'est Francoise Hardy. Please take time out of your day to look at these beautiful videos. Special thanks to your tube.
  1. Comment Te Dire Adieu
  2. Ma Jeunesse Fout L'Camp
  3. Mon Amie La Rose
  4. Tous Les Garcons Et Les Filles
  5. Le Temps De L'Amour

Also, does anyone here speakly French poorly like me? I challenge you all to post your favourite French sentences. Here's mine: "Sacre bleu!", "Zut, mon pied ce fait mal", and "Eh hon hon hon Monsieur".

Where Do You Go To, My Lovely. (Gal Costa)

I finally found this extremely glorious Gal Costa album circa 1969, and was so excited I wanted to share it with all of you. Some of you probably know how much this lady can kick your ass, but for those who don't - prepare to have your face blown off! Produced by Monsieur Rogerio Duprat. Serious serious business. And what a bitchin album cover. Also, enjoy the high level of sexiness found in the following pictures of our heroine:

Here be the link - enjoy for yourself!

matt's psychedelic breakfast

thanks Julia for getting started on the website, can you believe we set that up in like January or February, holy shit lazy business. let's make a bunch of tapes and cdrs of people sleeping (Rob) or calming sounds of the city and whatnot, realcod is and always has been a new age recording group. let's catalog all that shit...60 minutes of Rob sleeping = cod05, ahead of it's time, years later will be re-issued as obscure Canadian field recordings
"p.s.- Mount Eerie/Phil Elverum/the Microphones/Phil Elvrum/ElverumandSun/etc. does not exist on “my space a place for friends”. Do not correspond with impostors and think it’s me. It’s not. I’m me."
-Phil Elverum, on his site

27 November 2007

links of interest

26 November 2007

Tiny Tim & the band

This one's for you matt,

Tiny Tim backed up by The Band circa 1967. Recorded for a movie soundtrack. There's more on one of the "basement tape" boots, i'm still looking on soulseek, but somehow i doubt i'll ever find it there. the cd versions of the original lp boots change up the tracklist.

Tiny Tim - I Got You Babe (Bono)
Tiny Tim - Memphis Tennessee (Berry)
Tiny Tim - Sonny Boy (Henderson)
Tiny Tim - Be My Baby (Berry/Greenwich)

(thanks to chris too)

more info here: http://theband.hiof.no/albums/boot_down_in_the_basement.html

25 November 2007

MP3 Of The Day

"The Mighty Mississippi" by The Cherry Blossoms

"This song is really good & I think everyone I know will like it almost."

please check this song out & comment in the comment section
i get to feelin so fuckin ignored on this thing.

"I just find it interesting how free speech is only allowed so long as it conforms to the prevailing political doctrine, and you don't say something that is contrary to that."
-Nicole [?], member of a Facebook group for people who have thrown things (like bricks and beer bottles) at prostitutes in Winnipeg, responding to criticism of the group; from CBC

24 November 2007

there's another site to check: there's a link on the right

Everyone should frequently check and post comments on the Deep Madder Log. Why not?

plus, i'm really sorry that i'm not vegan. i apologise and don't expect you to forgive me.

22 November 2007

links of interest

  1. http://www.thekonkiduet.com/ <--- super great band from france, three gals. think cub or softies. they kinna have this great france meets japan thing to their songs too.
  2. http://www.myspace.com/orvalsibelius <--- Orval Carlos Sibelius, sometime member of konki duet? as far as i know. the best songs on his album aren't available on his myspace, but you get a taste fer it as far as myspace tasting goes.... hm
  3. http://www.miniclash.com/tuo/ <--- ukulele video game covers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 so nice!!!!!!
  4. http://eil.com/explore/guide/vinyl_making.asp <--- how to make yr own vinyl.
  5. http://www.fohguild.org/funnyessaycx9.jpg <----- inspiration!

Some sweet day we'll be together

It was the day before my 4th birthday. I knew I would remember it always henceforth. The day a young school boy from West Virginia would finally achieve his dream. The day that a boy was to become a man, only to once again return to being a boy, then a gerbil. The day I met my hero.

21 November 2007

two things

  1. by whatever means you have available to you, everybody should seek out "that's the way boys are" by the band "Y PANTS." single of the year & every year before it considering it came out in 1982.
  2. i just saw mr. t & william shatner both do a commerical each for "world of warcraft." i gotta get into dat shit.

oh man is this a borg episode or a q episode


20 November 2007


Wait a minute. Why isn't Julia E. Carney posting to this thing? She is the one who started it. Weird. Plus, what about Christopher N. Hubbarde?

All those who haven't posted here should do it next time you have to sneeze, instead of sneezing. You know who you are (and if not, refer to the preceding pseudo-paragraph; if your name is there, then you have not yet posted; if it is, you still may not have posted, so post just to be safe).

Plus, why does the spacing differ like that.

19 November 2007

Shout outs to Camp Cariboo, the water was yellow but the sky was purple then we took a walk to the farm and drank some candles on the beach by the supermarket and looked at the forest in the window of the cookie box.

MP3 Of The Day

my brother & fellow career member made this song & wanted me to share it.
it's called "Parasailing across the hydrofield"

download it by clicking below:
"They literally become slushpuppies."
-Joel W. Nash, to Lindsay, about how one of his pairs of shoes are particularly non-water resistant, 19 November 2007 5:35pm
hey remember this? no? you missed it the first time? check it yo

click this

den click on the text below "GET IT HERE"
& follow the other links on the other site
& then the link to the zip file
& then unzip it to yr desktop
& then listen to the mp3s in itunes or whatever
& then

17 November 2007

Song of the Day, November 17, 2007

Tenniscoats - Baibaba bimba

Tonite & Tomorough

What has happened to your eye career sir? Did you fall down the stairs eye-first hitting every ball-shaped detail on the way down? or was it something....... worse? Alas! we can not jam as a whole tonight for a small part of us are recording the ultimate shot-gun jam in whitevale county tonite and tomorough. Mooshoo we need your voice if you are indeed lady-voiced, maybe sunday? maybe?????
I will write a song to be understood
Not for your interpretation
Or the sake of opening my mouth
I don't mean to be mysterious
If you don't understand my songs
It's my fault and I've failed you
You should hear my meanings as I sing them
Not with so much further reading
Yeah a lot of songs are clearly nothing
But clear doesn't have to mean shallow
And if you have any questions (or answers)
You should stop me and ask (or respond)

Spelling Bee Gone

Hi, so i was just wondering if anyone's going through what i'm going through more often these days..........total dyslexia
Its these titles everywhere spelled inside out, backwards and upside-down, or even made-up entirely. I'm doing it to myself and everyone is doing it to me!!! I look on this site and wonder if Cblodg has become sense to us. For instance, do you Careers now see the world through surprise-rewind- cuts and pastes? Do you GRFNKL now see the world through less-travelled, practically-the-wrong-direction roads? Do you Alexander see the world through the vice said concisely with the bread sliced precisely, fed nicely yet advicely ? Do you Mooshoo see the world through Text caught in the wrong context, in need of saving and rehabilitating, to be one day released into Ze Vild ? These codes and rhymes may bug, but i need my entertainment too, and ive nothing much to say besides this tonight. SO IF YOU WANT TO, OR IF YOU MUST.....WRITE ME AND FIGHT ME ((( wheres the font that makes the words look like pirate talk? thats how i mean it )

Because i, Tornadosaurus Rex, am seeing things, harmless and temporary thus far, so as of yet ive offered no resistence. confusion is fun. BUT lets all give extra credit, benefit of the doubt that each knows and will know what each is truly talking about. ehhhhhh???????

16 November 2007

The Occult Experience

(this is more for future reference, i haven't watched this yet)

Random Images for November 15, 2007

15 November 2007

"There is one unalterable difference between a soldier and a civilian: the civilian never does more than he is paid to do."
make someone some soup,
then pour it on your lap.
open your window and
close it so the frame
will break and all
the heat will leak from
your house.
Follow them from one
block behind and cross the
street without looking.
Wear a hat inside.

14 November 2007

Weird Idea

Maybe "ghosts" are disruptions in our perception of the time continuum, of time being linear and different events and time periods being isolated and ephemeral states of matter. Maybe seeing a ghost is like seeing a tear in time.

13 November 2007

Of Colour

"Don't say that; say they're of colour."
-Joel "Jona" Nash, in response to Alexander saying his pastries were black [from excessive cooking], 13 November 2007 4:30pm

Anyone for some fall sports/activities?*

everybody else's doin' it- Cain Enablers
saint fever- Evolteen Complaints Dept.
who's for sail- Traffic Jerk
we are cum complex- Cum Complex
drive for nancy- The Aging Stills
i gotta new butler now- Cannibal Porn for Teen
why ask now?- Fats Lander
seasonesque- Turkish Rule
what prog?- Art Leme & the Do-Rights

*thursday, friday? in a field or forest

saddlers' reunion- The Whendy Saw Holiday
orst fly- Mescal Buttons
Who is buffalo Springsteen? I suppose she/he is an acquaintance of julia with whom I am not yet acquainted. All the same, I trust Springsteen will be a valuable addition to our editorial staff, and I wish her the best. Also, I am bored. Working on a song. Everyone, would you please start posting shit here? Don't worry if you've nothing to say, for neither do I, and you don't see ME not posting pointlessness. And yes, I'm trying to be rude to those who don't post.


(an opus in four parts)

"This album is dedicated to Johnny Clegg & all of those who have lost someone special to them. We offer this album for free as a token of gratitude for all the fond years we've shared together. Peace, Amen, One Love."



11 November 2007

dear, sweet, sweet, internet.

above is a short film i made on what it's like to be me.
below is the latest career record on what it's like to be us.

i hope this works. comments welcome.

05 November 2007


Why will no one else post on this thing? Bizarre. I think we should post on it at least once a day, so that it's an active _____. Fill in the blank in the comments section, if anyone ever checks or updates this.