29 November 2007

listen to this one

In the style of Murphy and I-don't-know-who, here is a song link (guess who it's by) and picture, in the opposite order.


this is a new song from this little limited EP thing he made. i like it and you should listen.


tutankhamun said...

can we get a link to this guy? i can't find info on the marriage recs site. this one of the members of "Her Band"? keep these coming & i'll stop calling mine "mp3 of the day"

Alexander said...

It's Mr Orange himself, also known as Mister "Adrian" Orange, also as Thanksgiving.

Who else do I ever speak of, save one Phil Elverum and occasionally Woelv and occasionally Little Wings and etc.

This song is from a new little limited thing that Orange put out, and it's really annoying because I wanted to get it so much but it sold out in like three days or some shit.

Alexander said...

(but i still managed to find it online, on the mount eerie fan site, and downloaded it)