27 February 2009

I don't know how to post youtube videos so here's a link

This is Peter King making a polycarbonate record. Check out the crazy sax solo.


24 February 2009

coming out of hibernation.
I booked 7 days off work, starting tomorrow.
I'm looking to make a bunch of tapes and intoxicate myself in a blistful style.
Anyone feel like droning out with slippery brains in fine reel cod fashion, let us be in touch.

Also, while I am here writing, for those not yet with ticket- Windy & Carl @ the whipper snapper, Apr. 23rd. yes please.
opening- Windy & Benoit Pioulard
middle- Benoit Pioulard
then- Windy & Carl
Holy shit, leave gravity at the door

12 February 2009


Has anyone else seen this yet?

Who's going to write the profile for Career? Reel Cod?

07 February 2009

best used cd stores in toronto

deja vu makes the list at #7