19 August 2008



saw these guys at extermination on saturday. intense sounds. the same night i drank hand sanitizer & didn't go blind.


Alexander said...

I love this band. Robert and I saw them under a bridge once and it was such a good show. Tell me next time you see them please.

Alexander said...

I.e., next time you are going to see them perform.

tutankhamun said...

i saw them on top of a bridge.

Alexander said...

which one?

tutankhamun said...

the last extermination thingy. maybe two weeks ago.

Alexander said...

yeah that's where we saw them. you go to those things? can i come? i always want to go but nobody else does.

tutankhamun said...

ya you can come definitely. dunno when the next one is, i think the one that passed was the last of the summer.

Amateur said...

I just bought one of their cds. Pretty good stuff.

Alexander said...

I thought about buying a CD. Should I make the giant leap?

tutankhamun said...

next extermination, sept 20 wanna be my date? you bring the iced tea, ill bring da hand sanitizer k?