22 November 2007

links of interest

  1. http://www.thekonkiduet.com/ <--- super great band from france, three gals. think cub or softies. they kinna have this great france meets japan thing to their songs too.
  2. http://www.myspace.com/orvalsibelius <--- Orval Carlos Sibelius, sometime member of konki duet? as far as i know. the best songs on his album aren't available on his myspace, but you get a taste fer it as far as myspace tasting goes.... hm
  3. http://www.miniclash.com/tuo/ <--- ukulele video game covers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 so nice!!!!!!
  4. http://eil.com/explore/guide/vinyl_making.asp <--- how to make yr own vinyl.
  5. http://www.fohguild.org/funnyessaycx9.jpg <----- inspiration!

1 comment:

tutankhamun said...

more like "lack of interest"