17 November 2007

Tonite & Tomorough

What has happened to your eye career sir? Did you fall down the stairs eye-first hitting every ball-shaped detail on the way down? or was it something....... worse? Alas! we can not jam as a whole tonight for a small part of us are recording the ultimate shot-gun jam in whitevale county tonite and tomorough. Mooshoo we need your voice if you are indeed lady-voiced, maybe sunday? maybe?????


mooshoo variations said...
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mooshoo variations said...
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mooshoo variations said...
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Alexander said...

tornadosaurus is Robert Cole. who is what in Career? i don't understand the question or confusion, for it confuses me.
lady voiced? what?

oh and as i said earlier i tried to visit you at Sonic Boom the other night but you weren't working apparently so when do you work again? i look forward to reggae shit.

mooshoo variations said...

i work in the basement tomorrow from 10-6 and thursday from 10-6. reggae mix will find your way at some point in the future.
i removed the other responses for being either too drunk and too confusing or both i guess. anyway, hope the recordings went well.