25 November 2007

MP3 Of The Day

"The Mighty Mississippi" by The Cherry Blossoms

"This song is really good & I think everyone I know will like it almost."

please check this song out & comment in the comment section
i get to feelin so fuckin ignored on this thing.


Alexander said...

holy shit. i like this a lot my brotha. it's such a beautiful happening ruckus of instruments, it reminds me of a mini parade trapped inside a romping room in New Orleans, a jazz band that decided to not do jazz and make this with their crazy instruments.
i can't hear the lyric though.
but yeah, it's great. like, i like the room-full-of-instruments sound. and the bassy drumming thing and kazoo.

Alexander said...

plus, i know what you mean. it seems like it's down to you and i now my brother, on this cblodg thing. give or take occasional statements from Mr Flook and bizarre no name people like the symbols person and shit.

mooshoo variations said...

yeah, prreeetttyy cool. stoned jam with bubbles.
sorry for the lack of comments on your links fellas. i'm usually just checkin' this thing out at work when i'm supposed to be workin. time is what i'm referring to you see. honestly i still haven't checked out some of those links and tunes, but i intend to...today i suppose.
i'm playing with the trans-elders again, we practiced last night at this incredible practice space at dupont and dufferin, it went very well (sounds like 1st tortoise record). i highly recommend this practice space, really. pa system, drums, amps, hang out space with couches, you can smoke. they have themed rooms, for example we had the bob marley room it was yellow and had huge paintings of bob and grass. $15 an hour, split between group members is totally worth it. anyway, will respond more laaater