14 December 2007

Every book on the shelves in Genevieve & Phil's house



tutankhamun said...

just goes to show the level of self importance these apparent down to earth singer/songwriters impose on other. who really cares. better question is what brand of toothpaste they use? or which of these have they read? & why isn't it alphabetized?

Alexander said...

Just goes to show how the best songs have a rich literary background, as they draw upon a vast pool of knowledge and philosophy to create deep meaningful lyrics. That is, just goes to show how a good songwriter's literary influences are completely relevant and of interest to her/his fans as further reading.
Moreover, I would love to see the books of ANYone's shelf, let alone someone whose ideas I love. It's not vain to expose one's influences and interests; it's actually an act of modesty, as it acknowledges that one's ideas are derivative of others' and not totally original. And obviously they aren't showing these in an ostentatious manner.
And self-importance is a ridiculous criticism to make of a musician -- the very act of making music and displaying it for everyone and making shows for everyone is clearly indicative of a sense of 'self-importance' -- but why do I give a shit? I don't like musicians who are so insecure or stupid to imply that their readings are irrelevant.

tutankhamun said...

yr right. like always. i dunno. i'm less interested in how smart or well read musicians are these days. same with name dropping & rap cameos. influences are important in music, obviously. but i wanna get to the core of the thing. i wanna listen to a song & know who's singing it, & not have to think about "oh this sounds just like this, or this is influenced by this" just keep it real, ya know? everything you need is inside yr own guts & brain & heart & spleen. & why stop at literary influences, who says toothpaste is any less influential. the other day i was really inspired by a cheese burger i ate.

Alexander said...

True that my brother. Ha, I didn't mean to sound crazy there, it was just a retort, perhaps overly ostensibly vehement, for the sake of expressing my argument but i didn't mean to make it sound angry or whatever.